Good News Bible Anglicised

1 Maccabees 5:5-19 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

5. He shut the Baeanites up in their forts, took a solemn oath that he would destroy them, and burnt their forts with everyone in them.

6. Then he marched against the land of Ammon, where he met a large and powerful army under the command of a man named Timothy.

7. Judas won many battles against them and finally defeated them.

8. He captured Jazer and its surrounding villages and then returned to Judea.

9. The Gentiles in Gilead assembled to attack and destroy the Israelites living in their territory. But the Israelites fled to the fortress of Dathema

10-11. and sent the following letter to Judas and his brothers: “The Gentiles round us are joining forces under Timothy. We have fled to this fortress for protection, and now they are getting ready to capture it and destroy us.

12. Many of us have already been killed. Come and rescue us!

13. All the Jewish men in the region of Tob have been killed, their wives and their children have been taken captive, and their possessions have been carried off. A force of about a thousand men has been destroyed there.”

14. This letter was still being read when other messengers, who had torn their clothes in sorrow, arrived with a report from Galilee.

15. They said, “An army from Ptolemais, Tyre, Sidon, and the whole of Galilee has come together to destroy us.”

16. When Judas and the people heard all this, a great assembly was held to decide what should be done to help their countrymen, who were in such difficulty under enemy attack.

17. Judas said to his brother Simon, “Choose some men and go and rescue our fellow-Jews in Galilee; our brother Jonathan and I will go to Gilead.”

18. Judas left the rest of his army to defend Judea and put the two leaders, Azariah and Joseph son of Zechariah, in charge of the people.

19. He said to them: “I am leaving you in command here, but don't go out and fight the Gentiles until we get back.”