Good News Bible Anglicised

1 Maccabees 15:16-28 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

16. “From Lucius, consul of the Romans, to King Ptolemy, greetings.

17. A delegation from our friends and allies the Jews has come to us to renew the earlier treaty of friendship and alliance. They were sent by the High Priest Simon and the Jewish people,

18. and they have brought as a gift a gold shield weighing 500 kilogrammes.

19. So we have decided to write to various kings and countries urging them not to harm the Jews, their towns, or their country in any way. They must not make war against the Jews or give support to those who attack them.

20. We have decided to accept the shield and grant them protection.

21. Therefore if any traitors escape from Judea and seek refuge in your land, hand them over to Simon the High Priest, so that he may punish them according to Jewish law.”

22. Lucius wrote the same letter to King Demetrius, to Attalus, Ariarathes, and Arsaces,

23. and to all the following countries: Sampsames, Sparta, Delos, Myndos, Sicyon, Caria, Samos, Pamphylia, Lycia, Halicarnassus, Rhodes, Phaselis, Cos, Side, Aradus, Gortyna, Cnidus, Cyprus, and Cyrene.

24. A copy of the letter was also sent to Simon the High Priest.

25. King Antiochus laid siege to Dor for the second time, keeping it under constant attack. He built siege-platforms, and his blockade kept Trypho and his men from going in or out.

26. Simon sent 2,000 well-trained soldiers to help Antiochus, as well as silver and gold and a great deal of equipment.

27. But Antiochus refused to accept them, cancelled all the previous arrangements that he had made with Simon, and became his enemy.

28. Then Antiochus sent his trusted official Athenobius to negotiate with Simon. He said to Simon, “You are occupying Joppa, Gezer, and the fort in Jerusalem, cities that belong to my kingdom.