Good News Bible Anglicised

1 Maccabees 12:45-52 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

45. Why don't you send them home? Choose a few men to stay with you, and then accompany me to Ptolemais. I will hand the city over to you, as well as the rest of the fortresses, the troops, and all the officials. Then I will turn round and leave. In fact, that's why I am here.”

46. Jonathan believed him, and following his advice, sent his soldiers back to Judea.

47. He took 3,000 men with him, but left 2,000 of them in Galilee, while only a thousand accompanied him the rest of the way.

48. But when Jonathan entered Ptolemais, the people of the city locked the gates, arrested him, and killed everyone who had come with him.

49. Trypho sent infantry and cavalry units to Galilee and the Valley of Jezreel to kill the rest of Jonathan's soldiers.

50. The Jewish troops thought that Jonathan had been captured and killed, along with all those who had accompanied him, so they encouraged one another and marched out in battle formation.

51. When the approaching enemy forces saw that the Jews were ready to fight for their lives, they turned back.

52. Then the Jewish soldiers returned to Judea safely, but terribly afraid. The whole nation was in deep mourning, assuming that Jonathan and all his men had been killed.