Good News Bible Anglicised

1 Maccabees 10:20-29 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

20. I have this day appointed you as High Priest of your nation and conferred upon you the title of ‘Friend of the King.’ You are to be our ally and give us your support.”He also sent him a royal robe and a gold crown.

21. Jonathan put on the robes of the High Priest in the seventh month of the year 160 at the Festival of Shelters. He raised an army and stored up a large supply of weapons.

22. When Demetrius heard this, he was distressed and said,

23. “How did we manage to let Alexander get ahead of us? He has strengthened his position by making an alliance with the Jews.

24. I also will write them a friendly letter offering high positions and gifts, so that they will support me.”

25. He wrote:“King Demetrius to the nation of the Jews, greetings.

26. We are delighted to learn that you have kept your obligations under our treaty, remained loyal to us, and have not gone over to the side of our enemies.

27. Now if you continue to remain loyal to us, we will reward you well.

28. We will grant you exemptions from many taxes and allow you other privileges.

29. I hereby grant all the Jewish people release and exemption from payment of regular taxes, salt taxes, and other special taxes.