Good News Bible Anglicised

1 Kings 9:7-17 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

7. then I will remove my people Israel from the land that I have given them. I will also abandon this Temple which I have consecrated as the place where I am to be worshipped. People everywhere will ridicule Israel and treat her with contempt.

8. This Temple will become a pile of ruins, and everyone who passes by will be shocked and amazed. ‘Why did the Lord do this to this land and this Temple?’ they will ask.

9. People will answer, ‘It is because they abandoned the Lord their God, who brought their ancestors out of Egypt. They gave their allegiance to other gods and worshipped them. That is why the Lord has brought this disaster on them.’ ”

10. It took Solomon twenty years to build the Temple and his palace.

11. King Hiram of Tyre had provided him with all the cedar and pine and with all the gold he wanted for this work. After it was finished, King Solomon gave Hiram twenty towns in the region of Galilee.

12. Hiram went to see them, and he did not like them.

13. So he said to Solomon, “So these, my brother, are the towns you have given me!” For this reason the area is still called Cabul.

14. Hiram had sent Solomon more than four tonnes of gold.

15. King Solomon used forced labour to build the Temple and the palace, to fill in land on the east side of the city, and to build the city wall. He also used it to rebuild the cities of Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer.

16. (The king of Egypt had attacked Gezer and captured it, killing its inhabitants and setting fire to the city. Then he gave it as a wedding present to his daughter when she married Solomon,

17. and Solomon rebuilt it.) Using his forced labour, Solomon also rebuilt Lower Beth Horon,