God's Word Translation

Zephaniah 3:4-18 God's Word Translation (GW)

4. Its prophets are reckless and unfaithful.Its priests contaminate what is holy.They violate the teachings.

5. The righteous Lord is in that city.He does no wrong.He brings his judgment to light every morning.He does not fail.But those who are perverted are shameless.

6. “I will cut off the nations.Their towers will be destroyed.I will demolish their streets.No one will walk through them.Their cities will be completely destroyed.Not a single person will be left.No one will be living there.

7. I said ⌊to my people⌋,‘You will fear me.You will accept correction!’Then their homeland would not be wiped outeven though I have punished them.Still, they continued to be corrupt in everything they did.”

8. The Lord declares, “Just wait!One day I will stand up as a witness.I have decided to gather nations,to bring kingdoms together,and to pour my rage, my burning anger, on them.The whole land will be consumed by my fiery fury.

9. “Then I will give all people pure lipsto worship the Lordand to serve him with one purpose.

10. From beyond the rivers of Sudanmy worshipers, my scattered people, will bring my offering.

11. On that day you will no longer be ashamedof all your rebellious acts against me.Then I will remove your arroganceand never again will you act proud on my holy mountain.

12. So with you I will leave a faithful few, a humble and poor people.They will seek refuge in the name of the Lord.

13. The faithful few in Israel will not do wrong, tell lies,or use their tongues to deceive others.They will graze their sheep and lie down,and there will be no one to terrify them.”

14. Sing happily, people of Zion!Shout loudly, Israel!Celebrate and rejoice with all your heart, people of Jerusalem.

15. The Lord has reversed the judgments against you.He has forced out your enemies.The king of Israel, the Lord, is with you.You will never fear disaster again.

16. On that day Jerusalem will be told,“Do not be afraid, Zion!Do not lose courage!”

17. The Lord your God is with you.He is a hero who saves you.He happily rejoices over you,renews you with his love,and celebrates over you with shouts of joy.

18. “I will gather those among you who are troubled because of the festivals.They bear a burden of disgrace.