God's Word Translation

Romans 16:21-27 God's Word Translation (GW)

21. Timothy my coworker greets you; so do Lucius, Jason, and Sosipater, who are Jewish by birth like me.

22. I, Tertius, who wrote this letter, send you Christian greetings.

23. Gaius greets you. He is host to me and the whole church.Erastus, the city treasurer, greets you.Quartus, our brother in the Christian faith, greets you.

25. God can strengthen you by the Good News and the message I tell about Jesus Christ. He can strengthen you by revealing the mystery that was kept in silence for a very long time

26. but now is publicly known. The everlasting God ordered that what the prophets wrote must be shown to the people of every nation to bring them to the obedience that is associated with faith.

27. God alone is wise. Glory belongs to him through Jesus Christ forever! Amen.