God's Word Translation

Revelation 17:1-7 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. One of the seven angels who held the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of that notorious prostitute who sits on raging waters.

2. The kings of the earth had sex with her, and those living on earth became drunk on the wine of her sexual sins.”

3. Then the angel carried me by his power into the wilderness.I saw a woman sitting on a bright red beast covered with insulting names. It had seven heads and ten horns.

4. The woman wore purple clothes, bright red clothes, gold jewelry, gems, and pearls. In her hand she was holding a gold cup filled with detestable and evil things from her sexual sins.

5. A name was written on her forehead. The name was Mystery: Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Detestable Things of the Earth.

6. I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people and of those who testify about Jesus. I was very surprised when I saw her.

7. The angel asked me, “Why are you surprised? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and the beast with the seven heads and the ten horns that carries her.