God's Word Translation

Psalms 78:56-63 God's Word Translation (GW)

56. They tested God Most High and rebelled against him.They did not obey his written instructions.

57. They were disloyal and treacherous like their ancestors.They were like arrows shot from a defective bow.

58. They made him angry because of their illegal worship sites.They made him furious because they worshiped idols.

59. When God heard, he became furious.He completely rejected Israel.

60. He abandoned his dwelling place in Shiloh,the tent where he had lived among humans.

61. He allowed his power to be taken captiveand handed his glory over to an oppressor.

62. He let swords kill his people.He was furious with those who belonged to him.

63. Fire consumed his best young men,so his virgins heard no wedding songs.