God's Word Translation

Proverbs 3:13-31 God's Word Translation (GW)

13. Blessed is the one who finds wisdomand the one who obtains understanding.

14. The profit ⌊gained⌋ from ⌊wisdom⌋ is greater thanthe profit ⌊gained⌋ from silver.Its yield is better than fine gold.

15. ⌊Wisdom⌋ is more precious than jewels,and all your desires cannot equal it.

16. Long life is in ⌊wisdom’s⌋ right hand.In ⌊wisdom’s⌋ left hand are riches and honor.

17. ⌊Wisdom’s⌋ ways are pleasant ways,and all its paths lead to peace.

18. ⌊Wisdom⌋ is a tree of lifefor those who take firm hold of it.Those who cling to it are blessed.

19. By Wisdom the Lord laid the foundation of the earth.By understanding he established the heavens.

20. By his knowledge the deep waters were divided,and the skies dropped dew.

21. My son,do not lose sight of these things.Use priceless wisdom and foresight.

22. Then they will mean life for you,and they will grace your neck.

23. Then you will go safely on your way,and you will not hurt your foot.

24. When you lie down, you will not be afraid.As you lie there, your sleep will be sweet.

25. Do not be afraid of sudden terroror of the destruction of wicked people when it comes.

26. The Lord will be your confidence.He will keep your foot from getting caught.

27. Do not hold back anything goodfrom those who are entitled to itwhen you have the power to do so.

28. When you have the good thing with you, do not tell your neighbor,“Go away!Come back tomorrow.I’ll give you something then.”

29. Do not plan to do something wrong to your neighborwhile he is sitting there with you and suspecting nothing.

30. Do not quarrel with a person for no reasonif he has not harmed you.

31. Do not envy a violent person.Do not choose any of his ways.