God's Word Translation

Proverbs 23:10-29 God's Word Translation (GW)

10. Do not move an ancient boundary markeror enter fields that belong to orphans,

11. because the one who is responsible for them is strong.He will plead their case against you.

12. Live a more disciplined life,and listen carefully to words of knowledge.

13. Do not hesitate to discipline a child.If you spank him, he will not die.

14. Spank him yourself,and you will save his soul from hell.

15. My son,if you have a wise heart,my heart will rejoice as well.

16. My heart rejoices when you speak what is right.

17. Do not envy sinners in your heart.Instead, continue to fear the Lord.

18. There is indeed a future,and your hope will never be cut off.

19. My son,listen, be wise,and keep your mind going in the right direction.

20. Do not associate with those who drink too much wine,with those who eat too much meat,

21. because both a drunk and a glutton will become poor.Drowsiness will dress a person in rags.

22. Listen to your father since you are his son,and do not despise your mother because she is old.

23. Buy truth (and do not sell it),⌊that is,⌋ buy wisdom, discipline, and understanding.

24. A righteous person’s father will certainly rejoice.Someone who has a wise son will enjoy him.

25. May your father and your mother be glad.May she who gave birth to you rejoice.

26. My son,give me your heart.Let your eyes find happiness in my ways.

27. A prostitute is a deep pit.A loose woman is a narrow well.

28. She is like a robber, lying in ambush.She spreads unfaithfulness throughout society.

29. Who has trouble?Who has misery?Who has quarrels?Who has a complaint?Who has wounds for no reason?Who has bloodshot eyes?