God's Word Translation

Proverbs 11:8-18 God's Word Translation (GW)

8. A righteous person is rescued from trouble,and a wicked person takes his place.

9. With his talk a godless person can ruin his neighbor,but righteous people are rescued by knowledge.

10. When righteous people prosper, a city is glad.When wicked people die, there are songs of joy.

11. With the blessing of decent people a city is raised up,but by the words of wicked people, it is torn down.

12. A person who despises a neighbor has no sense,but a person who has understanding keeps quiet.

13. Whoever gossips gives away secrets,but whoever is trustworthy in spirit can keep a secret.

14. A nation will fall when there is no direction,but with many advisers there is victory.

15. Whoever guarantees a stranger’s loan will get into trouble,but whoever hates the closing of a deal remains secure.

16. A gracious woman wins respect,but ruthless men gain riches.

17. A merciful person helps himself,but a cruel person hurts himself.

18. A wicked person earns dishonest wages,but whoever spreads righteousness earns honest pay.