God's Word Translation

Proverbs 11:13-23 God's Word Translation (GW)

13. Whoever gossips gives away secrets,but whoever is trustworthy in spirit can keep a secret.

14. A nation will fall when there is no direction,but with many advisers there is victory.

15. Whoever guarantees a stranger’s loan will get into trouble,but whoever hates the closing of a deal remains secure.

16. A gracious woman wins respect,but ruthless men gain riches.

17. A merciful person helps himself,but a cruel person hurts himself.

18. A wicked person earns dishonest wages,but whoever spreads righteousness earns honest pay.

19. As righteousness leads to life,so whoever pursues evil finds his own death.

20. Devious people are disgusting to the Lord,but he is delighted with those whose ways are innocent.

21. Certainly, an evil person will not go unpunished,but the descendants of righteous people will escape.

22. ⌊Like⌋ a gold ring in a pig’s snout,⌊so⌋ is a beautiful woman who lacks good taste.

23. The desire of righteous people ends only in good,but the hope of wicked people ends only in fury.