God's Word Translation

Numbers 35:1-11 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. The Lord spoke to Moses on the plains of Moab near the Jordan River across from Jericho. He said,

2. “Tell the Israelites to give the Levites some cities from their own property. They must also give the Levites the pastureland around those cities.

3. Then the Levites will have cities to live in and pastureland for their cattle, the flocks they own, and any other animals they have.

4. “The land around the cities that you give the Levites will extend 1,500 feet from the city wall.

5. Outside the city measure off 3,000 feet on the east side, 3,000 feet on the south side, 3,000 feet on the west side, and 3,000 feet on the north side, with the city in the center. This will be their pastureland around the city.

6. “Six of the cities you give the Levites will be cities of refuge. You must allow murderers to escape to these cities. In addition, you must also give the Levites 42 other cities.

7. So you will give a total of 48 cities with pastureland to the Levites.

8. The cities you give the Levites from the property of the other Israelites must be given based on the amount of land each tribe owns. Take more cities from larger tribes and fewer from smaller tribes.”

9. The Lord said to Moses,

10. “Tell the Israelites: When you cross the Jordan River and enter Canaan,

11. select certain cities to be places of refuge. Anyone who unintentionally kills another person may run to them.