God's Word Translation

Numbers 26:40-49 God's Word Translation (GW)

40. The descendants of Bela (⌊through⌋ Ard and Naaman) were the family of Ard and the family of Naaman.

41. These were the families descended from Benjamin. The total number of men was 45,600.

42. The family descended from Dan was the family of Shuham.This was the family descended from Dan.

43. The total number of men in all the family of Shuham was 64,400.

44. The families descended from Asher were the family of Imnah, the family of Ishvi, and the family of Beriah.

45. The descendants Beriah were the family of Heber and the family of Malchiel.

46. (Asher had a daughter named Serah.)

47. These were the families of Asher’s descendants. The total number of men was 53,400.

48. The families descended from Naphtali were the family of Jahzeel, the family of Guni,

49. the family of Jezer, and the family of Shillem.