God's Word Translation

Numbers 18:5-12 God's Word Translation (GW)

5. “You must be in charge of the work done at the holy place and at the altar. Then I won’t show my anger against the Israelites again.

6. I have chosen the other Levites from among the Israelites to help you. They are a gift given to the Lord to do whatever work is necessary at the tent of meeting.

7. Only you and your sons may do the work of priests—everything done at the altar and under the canopy. This is my gift to you: You may serve me as priests. Anyone else who comes near ⌊the holy place to do this work⌋ must die.”

8. The Lord said to Aaron, “I am putting you in charge of all the contributions given to me. I am giving you and your descendants all the holy gifts from the Israelites as your share. These contributions will always be yours.

9. That part of the most holy offerings which is not burned belongs to you. It may come from a grain offering, an offering for sin, or a guilt offering. Whatever is brought to me as a most holy offering will belong to you and your sons.

10. Eat it in a most holy place. Any male may eat it. You must consider it holy.

11. “The contributions that come as gifts taken from the offerings presented by the Israelites are also yours. I am giving these to you, your sons, and your daughters. They will always be yours. Anyone in your household who is clean may eat them.

12. “I am also giving you the first of the produce they give the Lord: the best of all the olive oil and the best of the new wine and fresh grain.