God's Word Translation

Nahum 1:11-15 God's Word Translation (GW)

11. From you, Nineveh, a person who plans evil against the Lord sets out.His advice is wicked.

12. This is what the Lord says:Though the people of Nineveh are physically fit and many in number,they will be cut down and die.Though I have humbled you, Judah,I will not humble you again.

13. But now I will break Nineveh’s yoke off of youand tear its chains from you.

14. The Lord has given this command about you, Nineveh:You will no longer have descendants to carry on your name.I will remove the wooden and metal idols from the temple of your gods.I will prepare your grave because you are worthless.

15. There on the mountains are the feet of a messengerwho announces the good news: “All is well!”Celebrate your festivals, Judah! Keep your vows!This wickedness will never pass your way again.It will be completely removed.