God's Word Translation

Matthew 18:24-32 God's Word Translation (GW)

24. When he began to do this, a servant who owed him millions of dollars was brought to him.

25. Because he could not pay off the debt, the master ordered him, his wife, his children, and all that he had to be sold to pay off the account.

26. Then the servant fell at his master’s feet and said, ‘Be patient with me, and I will repay everything!’

27. “The master felt sorry for his servant, freed him, and canceled his debt.

28. But when that servant went away, he found a servant who owed him hundreds of dollars. He grabbed the servant he found and began to choke him. ‘Pay what you owe!’ he said.

29. “Then that other servant fell at his feet and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will repay you.’

30. But he refused. Instead, he turned away and had that servant put into prison until he would repay what he owed.

31. “The other servants who worked with him saw what had happened and felt very sad. They told their master the whole story.

32. “Then his master sent for him and said to him, ‘You evil servant! I canceled your entire debt, because you begged me.