God's Word Translation

Matthew 15:5-23 God's Word Translation (GW)

5. But you say that whoever tells his father or mother, ‘I have given to God whatever support you might have received from me,’

6. does not have to honor his father. Because of your traditions you have destroyed the authority of God’s word.

7. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:

8. ‘These people honor me with their lips,but their hearts are far from me.

9. Their worship of me is pointless,because their teachings are rules made by humans.’ ”

10. Then he called the crowd and said to them, “Listen and try to understand!

11. What goes into a person’s mouth doesn’t make him unclean. It’s what comes out of the mouth that makes a person unclean.”

12. Then the disciples came and said to him, “Do you realize that when the Pharisees heard your statement they were offended?”

13. He answered, “Any plant that my heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted.

14. Leave them alone! They are blind leaders. When one blind person leads another, both will fall into the same pit.”

15. Peter said to him, “Explain this illustration to us.”

16. Jesus said, “Don’t you understand yet?

17. Don’t you know that whatever goes into the mouth goes into the stomach and then into a toilet?

18. But whatever goes out of the mouth comes from within, and that’s what makes a person unclean.

19. Evil thoughts, murder, adultery, ⌊other⌋ sexual sins, stealing, lying, and cursing come from within.

20. These are the things that make a person unclean. But eating without washing one’s hands doesn’t make a person unclean.”

21. Jesus left that place and went to the region of Tyre and Sidon.

22. A Canaanite woman from that territory came ⌊to him⌋ and began to shout, “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.”

23. But he did not answer her at all. Then his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away. She keeps shouting behind us.”