God's Word Translation

Mark 14:36-44 God's Word Translation (GW)

36. He said, “Abba! Father! You can do anything. Take this cup ⌊of suffering⌋ away from me. But let your will be done rather than mine.”

37. He went back and found them asleep. He said to Peter, “Simon, are you sleeping? Couldn’t you stay awake for one hour?

38. Stay awake, and pray that you won’t be tempted. You want to do what’s right, but you’re weak.”

39. He went away again and prayed the same prayer as before.

40. He found them asleep because they couldn’t keep their eyes open. They didn’t even know what they should say to him.

41. He came back a third time and said to them, “You might as well sleep now. It’s all over. The time has come for the Son of Man to be handed over to sinners.

42. Get up! Let’s go! The one who is betraying me is near.”

43. Just then, while Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve apostles, arrived. A crowd carrying swords and clubs was with him. They were from the chief priests, the experts in Moses’ Teachings, and the leaders of the people.

44. Now, the traitor had given them a signal. He said, “The one I kiss is the man you want. Arrest him, and guard him closely as you take him away.”