God's Word Translation

Mark 13:23-31 God's Word Translation (GW)

23. Be on your guard! I have told you everything before it happens.

24. “Now, after the misery of those days, the sun will turn dark, the moon will not give light,

25. the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the universe will be shaken.

26. “Then people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.

27. He will send out his angels, and from every direction under the sky, they will gather those whom God has chosen.

28. “Learn from the story of the fig tree. When its branch becomes tender and it sprouts leaves, you know summer is near.

29. In the same way, when you see these things happen, you know that he is near, at the door.

30. “I can guarantee this truth: This generation will not disappear until all these things take place.

31. The earth and the heavens will disappear, but my words will never disappear.