God's Word Translation

Luke 14:14-25 God's Word Translation (GW)

14. Then you will be blessed because they don’t have any way to pay you back. You will be paid back when those who have God’s approval come back to life.”

15. One of those eating with him heard this. So he said to Jesus, “The person who will be at the banquet in the kingdom of God is blessed.”

16. Jesus said to him, “A man gave a large banquet and invited many people.

17. When it was time for the banquet, he sent his servant to tell those who were invited, ‘Come! Everything is ready now.’

18. “Everyone asked to be excused. The first said to him, ‘I bought a field, and I need to see it. Please excuse me.’

19. Another said, ‘I bought five pairs of oxen, and I’m on my way to see how well they plow. Please excuse me.’

20. Still another said, ‘I recently got married, and that’s why I can’t come.’

21. “The servant went back to report this to his master. Then the master of the house became angry. He told his servant, ‘Run to every street and alley in the city! Bring back the poor, the handicapped, the blind, and the lame.’

22. “The servant said, ‘Sir, what you’ve ordered has been done. But there is still room for more people.’

23. “Then the master told his servant, ‘Go to the roads and paths! Urge the people to come to my house. I want it to be full.

24. I can guarantee that none of those invited earlier will taste any food at my banquet.’ ”

25. Large crowds were traveling with Jesus. He turned to them and said,