God's Word Translation

Luke 1:67-78 God's Word Translation (GW)

67. His father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied,

68. “Praise the Lord God of Israel!He has come to take care of his peopleand to set them free.

69. He has raised up a mighty Savior for usin the family of his servant David.

70. He made this promise through his holy prophets long ago.

71. He promised to save us from our enemiesand from the power of all who hate us.

72. He has shown his mercy to our ancestorsand remembered his holy promise,

73. the oath that he swore to our ancestor Abraham.

74. He promised to rescue us from our enemies’ powerso that we could serve him without fear

75. by being holy and honorable as long as we live.

76. “You, child, will be called a prophet of the Most High.You will go ahead of the Lord to prepare his way.

77. You will make his people know that they can be savedthrough the forgiveness of their sins.

78. A new day will dawn on us from abovebecause our God is loving and merciful.