God's Word Translation

Leviticus 9:13-19 God's Word Translation (GW)

13. They also gave him the burnt offering, which was cut in pieces and included the head. He burned it on the altar.

14. He washed the internal organs and the legs and laid them on top of the burnt offering on the altar.

15. He brought the people’s offerings. He took the male goat for the people’s offering for sin and slaughtered it. He sacrificed it to take away sins as he had done before.

16. Following the proper procedures, he brought forward the burnt offering and sacrificed it.

17. He also brought the grain offering. He took a handful of grain and burned it on the altar in addition to the morning burnt offering.

18. He slaughtered the bull and the ram for the people’s fellowship offering. Aaron’s sons gave him the blood, which he threw against the altar on all sides.

19. However, the fat from the bull and the ram (the fat from the tail, the layer of fat, the kidneys, and the lobe of the liver)