God's Word Translation

Leviticus 8:10-23 God's Word Translation (GW)

10. Moses took the anointing oil to anoint the tent and everything in it and dedicate them.

11. He sprinkled some of the oil on the altar seven times and anointed the altar, all the utensils, and the basin with its stand to dedicate them.

12. He also poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron’s head and anointed him to set him apart for his holy duties.

13. Moses had Aaron’s sons come forward. He put linen robes on them, fastened their belts around them, and put turbans on them as the Lord had commanded Moses.

14. He brought the bull that was the offering for sin. Aaron and his sons placed their hands on its head.

15. When it was slaughtered, Moses took the blood and put it on the horns of the altar all around with his finger and cleansed the altar from sins. He poured the rest of the blood at the bottom of the altar and declared it holy so that priests could use it to make peace with the Lord.

16. Moses took all the fat that was on the internal organs, the lobe of the liver, and the two kidneys with their fat, and he burned them on the altar.

17. He burned the rest of the bull, its skin, meat, and excrement outside the camp, as the Lord commanded him.

18. He brought forward the ram for the burnt offering. Aaron and his sons placed their hands on the ram’s head.

19. Moses slaughtered it and threw the blood against the altar on all sides.

20. When the ram was cut into pieces, Moses burned the head with the other pieces and the fat.

21. He washed the internal organs and the legs. Then Moses burned the whole ram on the altar as the Lord commanded him. It was a burnt offering, a soothing aroma, an offering by fire to the Lord.

22. He brought forward the second ram for the ordination offering. Aaron and his sons placed their hands on the ram’s head.

23. Moses slaughtered it, took some of the blood, and put it on Aaron’s right ear lobe, on his right thumb, and on the big toe of his right foot.