God's Word Translation

Leviticus 5:3-9 God's Word Translation (GW)

3. “If you become unclean by touching human uncleanness of any kind and then ignore it (although you know what you did), you will be guilty.

4. “If you hastily take a vow about what you will or will not do (as some people do) and then ignore it (although you know what you said), you will be guilty.

5. “So if you are guilty of any of these sins, you must confess it.

6. Bring your guilt offering to the Lord for the sin you committed. It must be a female sheep or goat as an offering for sin. Then the priest will make peace with the Lord for what you did wrong.

7. “Now, if you cannot afford a sheep, you must bring to the Lord two mourning doves or two pigeons as a guilt offering for the sin you committed. One will be an offering for sin, the other a burnt offering.

8. Bring them to the priest, and he will sacrifice the offering for sin first. He will break the bird’s neck without pulling its head off.

9. He will sprinkle some of the blood from the offering for sin on the side of the altar, and the rest of the blood will be drained at the bottom of the altar. It is an offering for sin.