God's Word Translation

Leviticus 3:10-17 God's Word Translation (GW)

10. Also remove the two kidneys with the fat on them along with the lobe of the liver.

11. Then the priest will burn the fellowship offering on the altar. It is food, an offering by fire to the Lord.

12. “If your offering is a goat, you must bring it to the Lord.

13. Place your hand on its head. Slaughter it in front of the tent of meeting. Then Aaron’s sons will throw the blood against the altar on all sides.

14. Then bring the fat that covers the internal organs

15. and the two kidneys with the fat on them as an offering by fire to the Lord. Also remove the lobe of the liver along with the kidneys.

16. Then the priest will burn them on the altar. It is food, an offering by fire to the Lord. It is a soothing aroma. All the fat belongs to the Lord.

17. This is a permanent law for generations to come wherever you live: Never eat any fat or blood.”