God's Word Translation

Leviticus 27:1-8 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. The Lord spoke to Moses,

2. “Tell the Israelites: If any of you makes a special vow ⌊to give a person⌋ to the Lord, you may give money instead of the person.

3. The amount you must give for a man from 20 to 60 years old is 20 ounces of silver. Use the standard weight of the holy place.

4. If it is a woman, give 12 ounces.

5. For a boy from 5 to 20 years old, give 8 ounces and for a girl give 4 ounces.

6. For a boy from one month to five years old, give 2 ounces of silver and for a girl give about one ounce.

7. For a man 60 years or over, give 6 ounces and for a woman give 4 ounces.

8. But the person who is too poor to pay the required amount must stand in front of the priest. The priest will determine the amount based on what the person can afford.