God's Word Translation

Leviticus 25:34-46 God's Word Translation (GW)

34. But a field that belongs to their cities must not be sold, because it is their permanent property.

35. “If an Israelite becomes poor and cannot support himself, help him. He must live with you as a stranger without a permanent home.

36. Don’t collect interest or make any profit from him. Fear your God by respecting other Israelites’ lives.

37. Never collect any kind of interest on your money or on the food you give them.

38. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt to give you Canaan and to be your God.

39. “If an Israelite becomes poor and sells himself to you, don’t work him like a slave.

40. He will be like a hired worker or a visitor to you. He may work with you until the year of jubilee.

41. Then you will release him and his children to go back to their family and the property of their ancestors.

42. They are my servants. I brought them out of Egypt. They must never be sold as slaves.

43. Do not treat them harshly. Fear your God.

44. “You may have male and female slaves, but buy them from the nations around you.

45. You may also buy them from the foreigners living among you and from their families born in your country. They will be your property.

46. You may acquire them for yourselves and for your descendants as permanent property. You may work them as slaves. However, do not treat the Israelites harshly. They are your relatives.