God's Word Translation

Leviticus 19:1-12 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. The Lord spoke to Moses,

2. “Tell the whole congregation of Israel: Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.

3. “Respect your mother and father. Observe my days of worship. I am the Lord your God.

4. “Don’t turn to worthless gods or cast metal idols. Never make any gods for yourselves. I am the Lord your God.

5. “When you bring a fellowship offering to the Lord, sacrifice it ⌊properly⌋ so that you will be accepted.

6. Eat your sacrifice on the day you bring it and on the next day. On the third day burn whatever is left over.

7. If you eat any of it on the third day, it is repulsive and will not be accepted.

8. Those who eat it will be punished because they have dishonored what is holy to the Lord. They must be excluded from the people.

9. “When you harvest the grain in your land, don’t harvest the grain in the corners of your fields or gather what is left after you’re finished.

10. Don’t harvest your vineyard a second time or pick up fallen grapes. Leave them for poor people and foreigners. I am the Lord your God.

11. “Never steal, lie, or deceive your neighbor.

12. “Never swear by my name in order to deceive anyone. This dishonors the name of your God. I am the Lord.