God's Word Translation

Leviticus 15:15-22 God's Word Translation (GW)

15. The priest will sacrifice one as an offering for sin and the other as a burnt offering. So in the Lord’s presence, the priest will make peace with the Lord for the man who had a discharge.

16. “If a man has an emission of semen, he must bathe his whole body. He will be unclean until evening.

17. Any clothes or any leather with semen on it must be washed. It will be unclean until evening.

18. “When a man has sexual intercourse with a woman and has an emission of semen, they must wash themselves. They will be unclean until evening.

19. “When a woman has her monthly period, she will be unclean for seven days. Those who touch her will be unclean until evening.

20. Everything she lies on or sits on during her period will be unclean.

21. Those who touch her bed must wash their clothes and their bodies. They will be unclean until evening.

22. Those who touch anything she sits on must wash their clothes and their bodies. They will be unclean until evening.