God's Word Translation

Joshua 2:8-14 God's Word Translation (GW)

8. Before the spies fell asleep, Rahab went up to them on the roof.

9. She said to them, “I know the Lord will give you this land. Your presence terrifies us. All the people in this country are deathly afraid of you.

10. We’ve heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea in front of you when you left Egypt. We’ve also heard what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites, who ruled east of the Jordan River. We’ve heard how you destroyed them for the Lord.

11. When we heard about it, we lost heart. There was no courage left in any of us because of you. The Lord your God is the God of heaven and earth.

12. Please swear by the Lord that you’ll be as kind to my father’s family as I’ve been to you. Also give me some proof

13. that you’ll protect my father, mother, brothers, sisters, and their households, and that you’ll save us from death.”

14. The men promised her, “We pledge our lives for your lives. If you don’t tell anyone what we’re doing here, we’ll treat you kindly and honestly when the Lord gives us this land.”