God's Word Translation

Joshua 11:4-14 God's Word Translation (GW)

4. They came out with all their armies. Their troops were as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore. They also had horses and chariots.

5. All these kings camped together by the Springs of Merom in order to fight Israel.

6. The Lord told Joshua, “Don’t be afraid of them because I am going to give them to Israel. About this time tomorrow they will all be dead. You must disable their horses so that they cannot be used in battle. You must burn their chariots.”

7. Joshua and all his troops arrived suddenly at the Springs of Merom and attacked the Canaanite armies.

8. The Lord handed them over to Israel, and the Israelites defeated them. The Israelites chased them as far as Great Sidon, Misrephoth Maim, and the valley of Mizpah in the east. There were no survivors.

9. Joshua disabled their horses and burned their chariots, as the Lord had told him.

10. Then Joshua turned back and captured Hazor. He killed its king with a sword. (Hazor was formerly the head of all these kingdoms.)

11. They claimed everyone for the Lord by destroying them with swords. Not one person survived. Joshua also burned Hazor.

12. So Joshua captured all these cities and their kings. He claimed them for the Lord by destroying them, as the Lord’s servant Moses had commanded him.

13. Israel did not burn cities built on mounds. However, Joshua made an exception and burned Hazor.

14. The people of Israel took all the loot and livestock from these cities. But they put everyone to death until they were all destroyed. Not one person survived.