God's Word Translation

John 6:36-46 God's Word Translation (GW)

36. I’ve told you that you have seen me. However, you don’t believe in me.

37. Everyone whom the Father gives me will come to me. I will never turn away anyone who comes to me.

38. I haven’t come from heaven to do what I want to do. I’ve come to do what the one who sent me wants me to do.

39. The one who sent me doesn’t want me to lose any of those he gave me. He wants me to bring them back to life on the last day.

40. My Father wants all those who see the Son and believe in him to have eternal life. He wants me to bring them back to life on the last day.”

41. The Jews began to criticize Jesus for saying, “I am the bread that came from heaven.”

42. They asked, “Isn’t this man Jesus, Joseph’s son? Don’t we know his father and mother? How can he say now, ‘I came from heaven’?”

43. Jesus responded, “Stop criticizing me!

44. People cannot come to me unless the Father who sent me brings them to me. I will bring these people back to life on the last day.

45. The prophets wrote, ‘God will teach everyone.’ Those who do what they have learned from the Father come to me.

46. I’m saying that no one has seen the Father. Only the one who is from God has seen the Father.