God's Word Translation

John 4:15-21 God's Word Translation (GW)

15. The woman told Jesus, “Sir, give me this water! Then I won’t get thirsty or have to come here to get water.”

16. Jesus told her, “Go to your husband, and bring him here.”

17. The woman replied, “I don’t have a husband.”Jesus told her, “You’re right when you say that you don’t have a husband.

18. You’ve had five husbands, and the man you have now isn’t your husband. You’ve told the truth.”

19. The woman said to Jesus, “I see that you’re a prophet!

20. Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain. But you Jews say that people must worship in Jerusalem.”

21. Jesus told her, “Believe me. A time is coming when you Samaritans won’t be worshiping the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem.