God's Word Translation

Job 7:14-20 God's Word Translation (GW)

14. then you frighten me with dreamsand terrify me with visions.

15. My throat would rather be choked.My body would prefer death ⌊to these dreams⌋.

16. I hate my life; I do not want to live forever.Leave me alone because my days are so brief.

17. “What is a mortal that you should make so much of him,that you should be concerned about him?

18. ⌊What is he⌋ that you should inspect him every morningand examine him every moment?

19. Why don’t you stop looking at melong enough to let me swallow my spit?

20. If I sin, what can I ⌊possibly⌋ do to yousince you insist on spying on people?Why do you make me your target?I’ve become a burden even to myself.