God's Word Translation

Job 6:1-11 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. Then Job replied ⌊to his friends⌋,

2. “If only my grief could be weighed,if only my misery could be laid on the scales with it,

3. then they would be heavier than the sand of the seas.I spoke carelessly

4. because the arrows of the Almighty ⌊have found their target⌋ in me,and my spirit is drinking their poison.God’s terrors line up in battle against me.

5. “Does a wild donkey bray when it’s ⌊eating⌋ grass,or does an ox make a sound over its hay?

6. Is tasteless food eaten without salt,or is there any flavor in the white of an egg?

7. I refuse to touch such things.They are disgusting to me.

8. “How I wish that my prayer would be answered—that God would give me what I’m hoping for,

9. that God would ⌊finally⌋ be willing to crush me,that he would reach out to cut me off.

10. Then I would still have comfort.I would be happy despite my endless pain,because I have not rejected the words of the Holy One.

11. What strength do I have ⌊left⌋ that I can go on hoping?What goal do I have that I would want to prolong my life?