God's Word Translation

Job 41:24-34 God's Word Translation (GW)

24. Its chest is solid like a rock,solid like a millstone.

25. “The mighty are afraid when Leviathan rises.Broken down, they draw back.

26. A sword may strike it but not pierce it.Neither will a spear, lance, or dart.

27. It considers iron to be like strawand bronze to be like rotten wood.

28. An arrow won’t make it run away.Stones from a sling turn to dust against it.

29. It considers clubs to be like stubble,and it laughs at a rattling javelin.

30. Its underside is like sharp pieces of broken pottery.It stretches out like a threshing sledge on the mud.

31. It makes the deep sea boil like a pot.It stirs up the ocean like a boiling kettle.

32. It leaves a shining path behind itso that the sea appears to have silvery hair.

33. Nothing on land can compare to it.It was made fearless.

34. It looks down on all high things.It is king of everyone who is arrogant.”