God's Word Translation

Job 33:11-20 God's Word Translation (GW)

11. He puts my feet in the stocks and watches all my paths.’

12. You aren’t right about this!I’ve got an answer for you:God is greater than any mortal.

13. Why do you quarrel with himsince he doesn’t answer any questions?

14. “God speaks in one way,even in two ways without people noticing it:

15. In a dream, a prophetic vision at night,when people fall into a deep sleep,when they sleep on their beds,

16. he opens people’s earsand terrifies them with warnings.

17. ⌊He warns them⌋ to turn away from doing ⌊wrong⌋and to stop being arrogant.

18. He keeps their souls from the pitand their lives from crossing the River ⌊of Death⌋.

19. In pain on their sickbeds, they are disciplinedwith endless aching in their bones

20. so that their whole being hates foodand they lose their appetite for a delicious meal.