God's Word Translation

Job 29:1-9 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. Job continued his poems and said,

2. “If only my life could be like it used to be,in the days when God watched over me,

3. when he made his lamp shine on my head,when I walked through the dark in his light.

4. If only I were in the prime of my life ⌊again⌋,when God was an adviser in my tent.

5. When the Almighty was still with meand my children were around me,

6. my steps were bathed in buttermilk,and the rocks poured streams of olive oil on me.

7. When I went through the city gateand took my seat in the town square,

8. young men saw me and kept out of sight.Old men stood up straight out of respect ⌊for me⌋.

9. Princes held back ⌊their⌋ wordsand put their hands over their mouths.