God's Word Translation

Job 24:13-25 God's Word Translation (GW)

13. “Such people are among those who rebel against the light.They are not acquainted with its ways.They do not stay on its paths.

14. At dawn murderers rise; they kill the poor and needy.At night they become thieves.

15. Adulterers watch for twilight.They say, ‘No one is watching us,’ as they cover their faces.

16. In the dark, they break into houses,⌊but⌋ by day they lock themselves in.They do not ⌊even⌋ know the light,

17. because morning and deep darkness are the same to them,because they are familiar with the terrors of deep darkness.

18. Such people are like scum on the surface of the water.Their property is cursed in the land.People do not travel the road that goes to their vineyards.

19. ⌊Just as⌋ drought and heat steal water from snow,so the grave steals people who sin.

20. The womb forgets them.Worms feast on them.No one remembers them anymore,and wickedness is snapped like a twig.

21. These men take advantage of childless women.These men show no kindness to widows.

22. ⌊God⌋ will drag away ⌊these⌋ mighty men by his power.These people may prosper,but they will never feel secure about life.

23. ⌊God⌋ may let them feel confident and self-reliant,but his eyes are on their ways.

24. ⌊Such people⌋ may be prosperous for a little while,but then they’re gone.They are brought down low and disappear like everything else.They wither like heads of grain.

25. “If it isn’t so, who can prove I’m a liarand show that my words are worthless?”