God's Word Translation

Job 16:1-14 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. Then Job replied ⌊to his friends⌋,

2. “I have heard many things like this before.You are all pathetic at comforting me.

3. Will ⌊your⌋ long-winded speeches never end?What disturbs you that you keep on answering ⌊me⌋?

4. I, too, could speak like youif we could trade places.I could string words together against youand shake my head at you.

5. I could encourage you with my mouth,and my quivering lips could ease ⌊your pain⌋.

6. If I speak, my pain is not eased.If I stop talking, how much of it will go away?

7. “But now, God has worn me out.You, ⌊God,⌋ have destroyed everyone who supports me.

8. You have shriveled me up, which itself is a witness ⌊against me⌋.My frail body rises up and testifies against me.

9. “God’s anger tore me ⌊apart⌋ and attacked me.He gritted his teeth at me.My opponent looked sharply at me.

10. People gaped at me with wide-open mouths.In scorn they slapped my cheeks.They united against me.

11. God handed me over to unjust peopleand threw me into the hands of wicked people.

12. I was at ease, and he shattered me.He grabbed me by the back of the neck and smashed ⌊my skull⌋.He set me up as his target,

13. and his archers surrounded me.He slashes open my kidneys without mercyand spills my blood on the ground.

14. He inflicts wound after wound on me.He lunges at me like a warrior.