God's Word Translation

Job 13:3-18 God's Word Translation (GW)

3. However, I want to speak to the Almighty,and I wish to argue my case in front of God.

4. But you are smearing me with lies.All of you are worthless physicians.

5. I wish you would keep silent.For you, that would be wisdom.

6. Please listen to my argument,and pay attention to my plea.

7. “Will you talk wickedly for Godand talk deceitfully on his behalf?

8. Will you favor him⌊as⌋ if you were arguing in court on God’s behalf?

9. Will it go well when he cross-examines you?Will you try to trick him as one mortal tricks another?

10. Will he really defend youif you secretly favor ⌊him⌋?

11. Doesn’t his majesty terrify you?Doesn’t the fear of him fall upon you?

12. “Your recollections are worthless proverbs.Your answers are absolutely useless.

13. Be quiet, because I want to speak.Let whatever may happen to me ⌊happen⌋!

14. I am biting off more than I can chewand taking my life in my own hands.

15. If God would kill me, I would have no hope ⌊left⌋.Nevertheless, I will defend my behavior to his face.

16. This also will be my salvationbecause no godless person could face him.

17. “Listen carefully to my words.Hear my declaration.

18. I have prepared my case.I know that I will be declared righteous.