God's Word Translation

Job 13:11-27 God's Word Translation (GW)

11. Doesn’t his majesty terrify you?Doesn’t the fear of him fall upon you?

12. “Your recollections are worthless proverbs.Your answers are absolutely useless.

13. Be quiet, because I want to speak.Let whatever may happen to me ⌊happen⌋!

14. I am biting off more than I can chewand taking my life in my own hands.

15. If God would kill me, I would have no hope ⌊left⌋.Nevertheless, I will defend my behavior to his face.

16. This also will be my salvationbecause no godless person could face him.

17. “Listen carefully to my words.Hear my declaration.

18. I have prepared my case.I know that I will be declared righteous.

19. Who can make a case against me?If someone could, I’d be silent and die.

20. “Please don’t do two things to meso that I won’t have to hide from you:

21. Stop oppressing me.Don’t let your terror frighten me.

22. Then call, and I’ll answer.Otherwise, I’ll speak, and you’ll answer me.

23. How many crimes and sins have I committed?Make me aware of my disobedience and my sin.

24. Why do you hide your face ⌊from me⌋ and consider me your enemy?

25. Are you trying to make a fluttering leaf trembleor trying to chase dry husks?

26. You write down bitter accusations against me.You make me suffer for the sins of my youth.

27. You put my feet in shackles.You follow my trail by engraving marks on the soles of my feet.