God's Word Translation

Job 13:11-23 God's Word Translation (GW)

11. Doesn’t his majesty terrify you?Doesn’t the fear of him fall upon you?

12. “Your recollections are worthless proverbs.Your answers are absolutely useless.

13. Be quiet, because I want to speak.Let whatever may happen to me ⌊happen⌋!

14. I am biting off more than I can chewand taking my life in my own hands.

15. If God would kill me, I would have no hope ⌊left⌋.Nevertheless, I will defend my behavior to his face.

16. This also will be my salvationbecause no godless person could face him.

17. “Listen carefully to my words.Hear my declaration.

18. I have prepared my case.I know that I will be declared righteous.

19. Who can make a case against me?If someone could, I’d be silent and die.

20. “Please don’t do two things to meso that I won’t have to hide from you:

21. Stop oppressing me.Don’t let your terror frighten me.

22. Then call, and I’ll answer.Otherwise, I’ll speak, and you’ll answer me.

23. How many crimes and sins have I committed?Make me aware of my disobedience and my sin.