God's Word Translation

Jeremiah 8:15-22 God's Word Translation (GW)

15. We hoped for peace, but nothing good has happened.We hoped for a time of healing, but there’s only terror.

16. The snorting of horses can be heard from Dan.The neighing of stallions makes the whole land tremble.They are coming to devour the land and everything in it,the city and its people.

17. “I am going to send snakes among you,vipers that can’t be charmed.They will bite you,” declares the Lord.

18. Sorrow has overwhelmed me.I am sick at heart!

19. The cry from my dear people comes from a distant land:“Isn’t the Lord in Zion?Isn’t Zion’s king still there?”They make me furious with their idols, with their foreign gods.

20. The harvest is past,the summer has ended,and we haven’t been saved.

21. I am crushed because my dear people have been crushed.I mourn; terror grips me.

22. Isn’t there medicine in Gilead?Aren’t there doctors there?Then why hasn’t the health of my dear people been restored?