God's Word Translation

Jeremiah 8:13-16 God's Word Translation (GW)

13. “‘I would have gathered their harvest,’” declares the Lord,“‘but there are no grapes on the vine.There are no figs on the tree,and the leaves have dried up.What I have given them will be taken away.’ ”

14. Why are we just sitting here? Let’s get up!Let’s go into the fortified cities and die there.The Lord our God has condemned us to die.He has given us poison to drinkbecause we have sinned against the Lord.

15. We hoped for peace, but nothing good has happened.We hoped for a time of healing, but there’s only terror.

16. The snorting of horses can be heard from Dan.The neighing of stallions makes the whole land tremble.They are coming to devour the land and everything in it,the city and its people.