God's Word Translation

Jeremiah 50:2-12 God's Word Translation (GW)

2. “Announce this among the nations, and spread the news.Raise a flag, and announce it.Don’t hide anything.Say, ‘Babylon will be captured.Bel will be put to shame.Marduk will be filled with terror.Babylon’s statues will be put to shame.Its idols will be filled with terror.’

3. A nation from the north will attack Babylonand destroy its land so that no one will live in it.People and animals will run away.

4. “In those days and at that time,” declares the Lord,“the people of Israel and Judah will cry as they go togetherto seek the Lord their God.

5. They will ask which road goes to Zion and turn in that direction.They will go there to make a permanent agreement with the Lord.It will not be forgotten.

6. My people have been lost sheep.Their shepherds have led them astray.They wander around on the mountains.They go from mountains to hills.They have forgotten their resting place.

7. Everyone who finds them eats them.Their enemies say, ‘We’re not guilty.They have sinned against the Lord, their true pasture.They have sinned against the Lord, the hope of their ancestors.’

8. “Run away from Babylon.Leave the land of the Babylonians.Be like the male goats that lead the flock.

9. I am going to stir up an alliance of strong nations from the northand bring it against Babylon.Those nations will take up positions against Babylon.Babylon will be captured from the north.Its enemy’s arrows will be like skilled soldierswho don’t come back empty-handed.

10. The Babylonians will become the prize.All who loot them will get everything they want,”declares the Lord.

11. “You are happy and excited.You have looted the people who belong to me.You dance around like calves on the grassand neigh like stallions.

12. But your mother will be greatly ashamed.The woman who gave birth to you will be disgraced.Babylon, you will be the least important nation.You will become a parched desert.