God's Word Translation

Jeremiah 31:34-40 God's Word Translation (GW)

34. No longer will each person teach his neighbors or his relatives by saying, ‘Know the Lord.’ All of them, from the least important to the most important, will know me,” declares the Lord, “because I will forgive their wickedness and I will no longer hold their sins against them.”

35. The Lord provides the sun to be a light during the day.He orders the moon and stars to be lights during the night.He stirs up the sea so that its waves roar.His name is the Lord of Armies.This is what the Lord says:

36. Only if these laws stop working, declares the Lord,will Israel’s descendants stop being a nation in my presence.

37. This is what the Lord says:Only if the heavens could be measuredor the foundations of the earth could be searched,would I ever reject all of Israel’s descendantsbecause of everything that they have done, declares the Lord.

38. “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when the city will be rebuilt for me from the Tower of Hananel to Corner Gate.

39. A measuring line will stretch from there straight to the Hill of Gareb, and then it will turn to Goah.

40. The whole valley, filled with its dead bodies and ashes, and the whole area to the Kidron Valley, as far as the corner of Horse Gate in the east, will be holy to the Lord. It will never be uprooted or torn down again.”