God's Word Translation

Jeremiah 30:4-17 God's Word Translation (GW)

4. This is the message that the Lord spoke about Israel and Judah:

5. “This is what the Lord says:“We hear cries of fear, cries of panic, not cries of peace.

6. Ask now, and see: Can a man give birth to a child?Why, then, do I see every strong man holding his stomach in painlike a woman giving birth to a child?Why has every face turned pale?

7. How terrible that day will be!There will be no other day like it.It will be a time of calamity for the descendants of Jacob,but they will be rescued from it.

8. “On that day,” declares the Lord of Armies, “I will break the yokes off your necks and tear off your ropes. Foreigners will no longer make you serve them.

9. You will serve the Lord your God and David your king. I will establish him for you.

10. “Don’t be afraid, my servant Jacob,” declares the Lord.Don’t be terrified, Israel.I’m going to rescue you from a faraway place.I’m going to rescue your descendants from where they are captives.The descendants of Jacob will again have peace and security,and no one will frighten them.

11. I am with you, and I will rescue you,” declares the Lord.“I will completely destroy all the nations where I scattered you,but I will not completely destroy you.I will correct you with justice.I won’t let you go entirely unpunished.

12. “This is what the Lord says:Your wound is incurable.Your injury is beyond healing.

13. No one argues that you should be healed.No medicine will heal you.

14. All your lovers have forgotten you,and they don’t want you anymore.I’ve punished you as an enemy would.I’ve corrected you as a cruel person would.You are very wicked, and you have many sins.

15. Why do you cry about your wound, your injury that can’t be cured?I’ve done this to you.You are very wicked, and you have many sins.

16. That is why everyone who devours you will be devoured,and all your enemies will be taken away as captives.Those who looted you will be looted.Those who stole from you in war will have things stolen from them.

17. I’ll restore your health and heal your wounds,” declares the Lord.“People call you an outcast:Zion, no one cares for you.